Monday, February 10, 2014

Changes and New Adventures

Last night I only got a few hours of sleep, my mind was racing, thinking about the momentous day ahead. I was going over all the things I would need to finalize as we get ready to leave our beloved home and move on to exciting adventures.

The past few months have been a whirlwind of selling two houses, selling furniture, sorting through mounds of stuff, purchasing an RV, putting things into storage, saying goodbye...not goodbye, but see you family, friends, church and school. Saying goodbye to beautiful Carlsbad...a city I've grown to love so much, and all of the people and experiences that have come with our move here. I've fought to be stoic through it all, only slight tears and occasional sadness, but today driving away from the home we thought we would raise our kiddos in I couldn't help but break down.

You see three months ago Justin and I had this crazy idea that it would be awesome to buy an RV and travel the US. No big deal...right! We had no clue the planning would become a full time job for both of us. With a goal in mind and the Lord on our side, even though the preparation was extremely exhausting, we were confident the road ahead was worth it.

Our plans are to travel the US for 9 months trusting that the Lord will land us where He wants us. Today, is the first night in a "real" RV park (although we didn't stray too far from home) and as crazy and emotional as the day started I must say as soon as we landed here I felt at peace. Our home on wheels actually feels like home and the stress and planning of it all was worth it. I am so excited to embark on this new adventure, so blessed to get to watch my babies explore and run wild, and ecstatic that I get to spend the entire time with my hubby whom I adore. I am truly thankful for this blessing and ready to move forward and see what the Lord has in store for us.

Transferring one home to another.

Our first stop Paradise By the Sea Rv resort in Oceanside...we will be staying here for a few days while we wait for parts for our Pathfinder to tow.

Spending a little time with Nana and Papa.

We ended this crazy day with The Flying new favorite restaurant. It is amazing!

I want to thank our family and friends, for encouraging and praying for us (and helping us move, again!) I want to especially thank my Mom who has been my rock the past few days...I couldn't have done this with out you. xoxo Crystal


  1. So excited for you and your fam Crystal!! It was great getting to know you and I can't wait to follow you on your blog and live vicariously through you!! Have fun on this great adventure and this special time with your family :)

  2. Thank you for the first day update! I'm excited for you guys and will miss seeing you around. I can't wait to read more!

  3. I just found your blogspot and Instagram. So excited for you guys and will totally be praying and folowing.

  4. I'm just now finding out that you're on this journey! I had my lil' Judah the same week you took off :D
    I'll have fun reading through your adventures! I'd love to do this one day!!! God bless, we'll be praying for you!
