Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Feeling Grossed Out

Camp life is making me slightly crazy.

Maybe it's because I found four tiny white worms in our room today and can't find out where they came from. Yuck.

Or maybe it's because I found a tick on me the other day and don't know how long it was there. I'm shivering just thinking about it.

Those of you who know me well know I'm a clean freak, so finding gross creatures on me or in my room make me paranoid. I feel itchy all the time now, and on top of that I'm sure the tick that was on me will give me Lyme's disease because that's what I read on the internet and we all know it's best to diagnosis illness from the internet!

Justin thinks I'm crazy...I just may be.

Despite the bug infestation we have been traveling in and out of Washington DC exploring the sights.

The last couple trips into DC we took the Metro.

My friend told us about the Science Festival being held at the Convention Center. It was huge, over 3,000 hands on STEM booths for the kids to explore. We could have stayed all day and not seen it all.

The Magic School Bus was there along with Ms. Frizzle. Mike Rowe was also there, we saw him on stage talking about his show "Dirty Jobs".

I couldn't believe that the expo was free. We checked Science off the home school list for the week.

After the expo we strolled on over to the White House. It's been fun watching Justin in DC because I know secretly he would love to be the President of the U.S...or at least be involved in politics. I laugh because I would be the worst politician's wife, but I do think that Justin would make an awesome President or Senator or Congressman.

Here we are in Ford's theater, where President Lincoln was shot.

I had no love for the Spy Museum, it was the end of the day and I was tired. Justin and Blake had fun though.

We spent one full day at George Washington's Mt. Vernon.

His back porch faces the Potomac river.

A replica of the threshing house George Washington invented.

George Washington and most of his family are buried on the grounds of Mt. Vernon.

Mt. Vernon was beautiful. Everything was well kept and the staff was so welcoming and eager to share information.

Since it was raining today we stayed indoors and went to the Smithsonian Natural and American History Museums. They were crowded and full of evolution hoopla confirming my dislike for museums in general. There were a few neat exhibits...
Layne holding a huge grub like insect.

My favorite was the Mineral exhibit.
So many shapes and colors.

Even at a young age our children know how to correctly photo bomb.

It's been a busy few days. I'm reluctant to go to sleep tonight. I need to find out where those icky worms came from. It has been raining non stop the past few days maybe that has something do with it. Nevertheless I might be on the couch tonight!