Friday, April 18, 2014

Blown Away by the Outer Banks

This post will be short and sweet.

I was really looking forward to spending some time on the Outer Banks off the coast of North Carolina. As we drove into the area we were greeted with high winds, reminding me of the Santa Anna's where we used to live except these winds were freezing. Ok it probably wasn't freezing, but we are from Southern California for goodness sakes and it felt like freezing to us!

After we pulled into our campsite that afternoon we quickly decided to only stay one night and hit the road in the morning, the wind was expected to continue for a few days. It was such a bummer because we were really looking forward to exploring the beaches.

The view from inside our coach at our campsite on the Outer Banks. One of those bird houses actually blew over.

The next morning we packed up and headed north to Kitty Hawk to check out the area where the Wright Brother's built and flew their "Flying Machine".
It was pretty amazing to stand in the exact spot where the first successful flight of an airplane was.

It was still freezing and windy that day, you can tell by Layne's ear flaps. We later read that Kitty Hawk was chosen as a prime place to study and test aviation due to it's wind. Also the soft sand helped the landings. Makes sense.

Decked out in snow gear we didn't mind the long trek to the monument.

We choose not to do the Jr. Ranger Program that day and I will say I enjoyed not having to look for answers to questions. We just had a blast discovering and learning on our own even with the crazy weather.

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